Summer 2004

Additional Resources
Online Legal Resources
by anonymous

Appleseed Foundation--National network of legal advocacy centers, community activists, and policy experts on low income and immigrant rights.

FindLegalHelp.Org--American Bar Association overview of legal resources available offline and online.

FindLaw--Leading provider of online legal information and solutions for lawyer and potential clients.

Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School--Comprehensive non-profit collection of state and federal legal info and sources.

Legal Services Corporation--Congressionally-chartered nonprofit which funds over 140 legal aid and civil assistance programs nationally to help poor Americans gain equal access to the judicial system.

National Senior Citizens Law Center --Help for low-income elderly and persons with disabilities through litigation, legislative and agency representation and assistance to attorneys and paralegals in field programs.

Nolo Law Centers--Online collection on everyday legal topics, including a legal encyclopedia, law dictionary, frequently asked legal questions, and compendium of state and federal law.

Women's Law Initiative--Has easy-to-understand legal info on escaping domestic violence.

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